Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Artist's Book Websites

The book I found to be most interesting and just caught my eye was one published by a Tsunami Relief Effort Group intitled "Images to Brighten Out World". Their description: We invite you to enjoy this timeless collection of images with a sprinkling of poignant quotes and snippets from these trying times. This anthology allows the artists to contribute to those that so desperately need help. This is a way for to extend a long-term contribution to the children of this devastating event. And this is a way for you to support the relief efforts of Sarvodaya in Sri Lanka, The Salvation Army, and the Humane Society International.

The images on the cover were just ones of beauty that is one this earth that make you sit back and apperciate what we have here. It also is neat that all the money they make selling this book goes to a relief fund. Making art and helping out others. This suggest that digital photography can widen our perspective and knowledge about the world so we are able to better help those in need.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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